Ibland är man lite slö, men igår fick jag lite i alla fall gjort!
måndag 30 september 2024
Jesus "Wants them All to Come
I heard of a Sunday-school, long ago, concert at which a little child of eight was going to recite. Her mother had taught her, and when the night came the little thing was trembling so she could scarcely speak. She commenced, “Jesus said,” and completely broke down. Again she tried it: “Jesus said suffer,” but she stopped once more. A third attempt was made by her, “Suffer little children–and don’t anybody stop them, for He wants them all to come,” and that is the truth. There is not a child who has a parent in the Tabernacle but He wants, […]
The Fettered Bird Freed
A friend in Ireland once met a little Irish boy who had caught a sparrow. The poor little bird was trembling in his hand, and seemed very anxious to escape. The gentleman begged the boy to let it go, as the bird could not do him any good; but the boy said he would not; …
Read more “Asparagus Soup”
En gravsten berättar
Igår hade jag två timmar til lgodo, innan jag sulle gå till träningen, jag tog en tur bland gravstenarna i Asarums kyrka, stod en stund vid en, vad gjorde denna? för att få en sån stor fin sten? Vad berättar sten? att han var framgångsrik företagare för länge sedan, då en Direktör var vördnad avh …
Read more “Aşık Said – Dünya Boş İmiş (Feryad Edip)”
söndag 29 september 2024
Commercial Traveler
I remember when Talkig to a friend in New York City, at the Hippodrome, a man coming up to me and telling me a story that thrilled my soul. One night, he said he had been gambling; had gambled all the money away he had. When he went home to the hotel that night he …
Read more “Prompts – pieces of fill-in-the-blank inspiration”
Trista söndag
En kostnadsfri belöning varje dag är efter träningen är välmående varje dag för mig!
lördag 28 september 2024
Träning = välmående
Igår var jag iväg på Fightcenter och tränade. Innan träning pratade jag lite med vår ledare för dagen. Trevligt. Trännig på FC är jobbig och härlig, vad jag har blivit starkare och fått bättre balans sen jag började där, vilket gör mig nöjd. Härligt känsla efteråt när man går ut och är nöjd, vad akn bli bättre? än nöjd tant?
fredag 27 september 2024
Note what Jesus Says
Some people say to me, “Hey you!, you don’t believe in the flood. All the scientific men tell us it is absurd.” Let them tell us. Jesus tells us of it, and I would rather take the word of Jesus than that of any other one. I haven’t got much respect for those men who …
Read more “Aşık Ruhsati – Safa Geldin Hacı Baba”
torsdag 26 september 2024
Fem en fredag: Negativitet
Jag är uppväxt i småby, Ottsjö i Åre, när man växte up pvar det Ellos, Halens och Hobbex som gällde, när man ville ha kläder och saker, billigare än i affär redan då. Numera blir det på nätet, är för lat och gå ut och shoppa…. Det var nog mer än 10 år sedan jag gick och såg film, jag är nog inte nån bio fantast. Tyvärr finns inte! Vi bor bara jag och mina två grannar här, dock måste man planera sina inköps rundor av mat. Man måste gå 4 km för att komma til lbussen om går typ: […]
Skydda din webbplats: Effektiva strategier för att blockera AI-scrapers
Lär dig hur du kan blockera AI-scrapers och skydda din webbplats mot datastöld och intrång. Inledning till AI-scrapers och deras påverkan AI-scrapers är automatiserade verktyg som är designade för att samla in data från webbplatser för att skapa dataset som används i maskininlärning och AI-modeller. Dessa verktyg fungerar genom att skanna och extrahera information från …
Read more “Diken”
onsdag 25 september 2024
Skydda Din Webbplats: Effektiva Strategier för Att Blockera AI-Användaragenter
Lär dig hur du effektivt blockerar AI-användaragenter för att skydda din webbplats och förbättra din SEO. Inledning till Blockering av AI-Användaragenter AI-användaragenter representerar en kategori av automatiserade program som används för att interagera med webbplatser, ofta för att samla in data eller utföra uppgifter som en människa skulle göra. Dessa agenter kan utföra en mängd olika funktioner, inklusive datainsamling och analys av information på nätet, vilket gör dem både kraftfulla och potentiellt skadliga. Många av dessa botar är utformade för att efterlikna mänskligt beteende, vilket gör dem svåra att upptäcka för vanliga säkerhetssystem. Problemet med AI-scraping ligger i att dessa […]
20 Week Half Marathon Training Plan
eek Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 30 min10xRun 1 min + Walk 2 min Cross-Training 30 min 30 min10x Run 1 min + Walk 2 min Rest Cross-Training 30 min 3 miles Run 1 min + Walk 2 min Rest 2 30 min10xRun 1 min + Walk 2 min Cross-Training 30 min 28 min7xRun 2 min + …
tisdag 24 september 2024
Won by a Smile
In London, in 1872, one Sunday morning a minister said to me, “I want you to notice that family there in one of the front seats, and when we go home I want to tell you their story.” When we got home I asked him for the story, and he said, “All that family were …
Read more “Prompts”
Igår - SUCK!
Igår tog jag taxi in till asarum i hopp bilen var klar! Men ag fick veta: klart på Fredag! Är i Karlskrona och hämtar sakernasom behövs! Så dåligt, när jag bokade visste dom ju vad som behövdes:)
Little Emma
I remember one time my little girl was teasing her mother to get her a muff, and so one day her mother brought a muff home, and, although it was storming, she very naturally wanted to go out in order to try her new muff. So she tried to get me to go out with …
Read more “Apple with Peanut Butter and Raisins”
måndag 23 september 2024
Little Man
I remember when I was a boy I went several miles from home with an older brother. That seemed to me the longest visit of my life. It seemed that I was then further away from home than I had ever been before, or have ever been since. While we were walking down the street …
Read more “Syskon”
söndag 22 september 2024
Trista Söndag
Glass är väderberoende, liksom shorts! Att åka bil till en kiosk nära havet är gott med en glass:)
Jag är nöjd som det är, jag är tacksam för den jag är, men när jag tonåring ville jag se ut som Suzi Quatro. Men köpa läder var det inte tal om med min veckopeng.
And his Little Willie
I said to my little family, one morning, a few weeks before the Chicago fire, “I am coming home this afternoon to give you a ride.” My little boy clapped his hands. “Oh, papa, will you take me to see the bears in Lincoln Park?” “Yes.” You know boys are very fond of seeing bears. …
Read more “Healthy Eggnog Recipe”
Igår var jag och gänget till Köpenhamn och tävlade i härliga vvallbyparken i Köpenhamn. Gemytligt och trevlig, dock ingen lysande tid, men mitt sargade djälvfötroend är återställt, jag var mer p åhugget att gå korrekt än att göra något personbästa. Per M, anorade det hela, mycket kärlek till honom, sen var vädret på sitt bästa humör, shorts och varmt. Behöver man något mer än gångvänner, danska vänner och en härlig gångtävling i Köpenhamn??
lördag 21 september 2024
Little Jimmy
A friend of mine in Chicago took his Sabbath-school out on the cars once. A little boy was allowed to sit on the platform of the car, when by some mischance he fell, and the whole train passed over him. They had to go on a half a mile before they could stop. They went …
Read more “The Ultimate Pumpkin Pie”
fredag 20 september 2024
A Man who would not Speak to his Wife
I remember while in Philadelphia, a man with his wife came to our meetings. When he went out he wouldn’t speak to his wife. She thought it was very queer, but said nothing, and went to bed thinking that in the morning he would be all right. At breakfast, however, he would not speak a …
Read more “Easy Vegan Nasi Goreng”
torsdag 19 september 2024
Fem en fredag v. 38: 5, 4, 3…
Köpt nya kablar till mobilen, tvättat bilen, tränat slägga, varit till karlskrona, ätit på Max. Här har betalningen i kontanter, jag vill fortsätta köra buss några år till, j*#kla katt, Ska vi träna? Åka till Lund, samåka till Köpenhamn, gångtävling. Kattsaker, hundsaker:) En skön löparrunda, kanske 2 1/5 kilometer: Fem en fredag v. 38: 5, 4, 3…
Trots det...
Igår var en typisk dag – Gör saker som jag måste! Tvätta bilen, Jepp! den var fortfarande röd… Handla nya kablar till mobilen, trasig kabel, inte roligt, men kablar till laddningen verkar funka dåligt numera. Kanske dax för en ny? Den laddar dåligt numera, förr kunde man enkelt byta batteri, saknar den tiden. Numera är mobilen puts veck efter batteriet blivit dåligt, vilket slöseri:( Sen efter det: Oblitarosikt besök hos Reptil för Kaffe och en glass, så gott, då kan man med gott samvete åka hrm igen.
The Faithful Missionary
When I was going to Europe in 1867, my friend Mr. Stuart, of Philadelphia, said, “Be sure to be at the General Assembly in Edinburgh, in June. I was there last year,” said he, “and it did me a world of good.” He said that a returned missionary from India was invited to speak to …
Read more “Enjoyable moments”
onsdag 18 september 2024
Var igår till Karlskrona för att få ett Intyg, hos läkaren. Efter jag kom som vanligt rejält tidigt, så efter hittat en parkering, tog en promenad på köpgatan, tog en titt i H/M, kanske dags att fylla på garderoben? Mycket vackert att reta klädlöken med. Tog en Kaffe paus, gick in på Kyrkan mitt på Stortorget, träffade en trevlig man, som precis som jag sysslar med veteran friidrott, en timme gick fort. Kyrkan? Vacker! Jagfick mitt Intyg:)
Onsdags bilden
Det är fylld med god Coca-cola, gott efter en trännigstur, smakar så gott:) Lite får man väl unna sig?
One Little
A man was preaching about Christians recognizing each other in heaven, and some one said, “I wish he would preach about recognizing each other on earth.” In one place where I preached, I looked over the great hall of the old circus building where it was held, and saw men talking to other men here …
Read more “Slägga + jag”
Slägga + jag
Många saker vill jag göra/ta upp igen, friidrott som jag gjorde när jag var ung. Jag platsar nog inte i någon tävling än……
tisdag 17 september 2024
Saved and Saving
One day I saw a steel engraving that I liked very much. I thought it was the finest thing I ever had seen, at the time, and I bought it. It was a picture of a woman coming out of the water, and clinging with both arms to the cross. There she came out of …
Read more “Ata – Ankara Rüzgarı”
måndag 16 september 2024
Governor Pollock and the Condemned Criminal
When I was East a few years ago, Mr. Geo. H. Stewart told me of a scene that occurred in a Pennsylvania prison, when Governor Pollock, a Christian man, was Governor of the State. A man was tried for murder, and the judge had pronounced sentence upon him. His friends had tried every means in their power to procure his pardon. They had sent deputation after deputation to the Governor, but he had told them all that the law must take its course. When they began to give up hope, the Governor went down to the prison and asked the […]
The Missing Stone
I remember hearing of a man’s dream, in which he imagined that when he died he was taken by the angels to a beautiful temple. After admiring it for a time, he discovered that one stone was missing. All finished but just one little stone; that was left out. He said to the angel, “What is this stone left out for?” The angel replied, “That was left out for you, but you wanted to do great things, and so there was no room left for you.” He was startled and awoke, and resolved that he would become a worker for […]
söndag 15 september 2024
Trista Söndag
På mitt bord i köket har jag mjuk kudde för där ligger alltid mina Katter, men ibland är dom ute och jagar rättor? tror jag.
Confessing Christ
When I was in Ireland I heard of a man who got great blessings from God. He was a business man–a landed proprietor. He had a large family, and a great many men to work for him taking care of his home. He came up to Dublin and there he found Christ. And he came …
Read more “Om du”
lördag 14 september 2024
Elmeloppet - Älmhult 2024
Resultat: 6KM – 58 minuter = Ingen lysande tid, men OK:) Trevligt att Loppet är tillbaka, det är ett litet lopp med trevlig stämning. Tar en timme att åka, jag tog det rejält lugnt på Loppet, hade ingen brådis, bara njöt av det fina vädret. Träffade dock bara en jag kände, från grannklubben, UF Contact. Men kände mig välkommen till loppet. Loppet gick längs en lättsprungen bana, klöxa skogen. Jag sprang loppet på urusel tid! Sedan for jag in på ikea och åt en god lunch:) gick sen hela varuhuset ner till utgången….. Fick vänta en halvtimme innan rally tävlingen […]
Two Young Men
I heard a story about two young men who came to New York City from the country on a visit. They went to the same boarding-house to stay and took a room together. Well, when they came to go to bed each felt ashamed to go down on his knees before his companion first. So …
Read more “Bay Evet – Yes Man”
fredag 13 september 2024
Fem en fredag: Känslostatus
Bara bra, varit lite trött efter Göteborg,, men har piggnat till, idagska jag till Älmhult och tävla, enkelt lopp, 5km. Huvudet sitter där det ska! Öronsuset har lärt mig att leva med. Trist, jag vill ha mer sommar!!! Kan nite bli sämre, bilen gick igenom besiktningen, ladad med nya bromsbackar, nu väntar ett nytt batteri, kommer att ge mer power:) Som vanligt, som pensinär, är det ingen skillnad för mig,mer än jag får komma iväg på en tävling:)
The Family that Hooted
I remember a family in Chicago that used to hoot at me and my scholars as we passed their house sometimes. One day one of the boys came into the Sunday-school and made light of it, As he went away, I told him I was glad to see him there and hoped he would come …
Read more “Chicken Pot Pie With Exotic Mushrooms And Tarragon”
torsdag 12 september 2024
One day He said, “Whom do men say that I am?” He wanted them to confess Him. But one said, “They say thou art Elias,” and another “that thou art Jeremiah;” and another “Thou art St. John the Baptist.” But He asked, “Whom do you say that I am?”–turning to His disciples. And he´s answers, …
Read more “Ett”
onsdag 11 september 2024
We Will Never Surrender
There’s a story told in history in the ninth century, I believe, of a young man that came up with a little handful of men to attack a king who had a great army of three thousand men. The young man had only five hundred, and the king sent a messenger to the young man, …
Read more “Skulle”
tisdag 10 september 2024
Idea Generation and Brainstorming
Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you identify your passions and interests to find blog topics that genuinely excite you? Start by reflecting on your hobbies, skills, and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Consider what topics you could talk about endlessly without getting...
Idea Generation and Brainstorming
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you identify your passions and interests to find blog topics that genuinely excite you? Start by reflecting on your hobbies, skills, and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Consider what topics you could talk about endlessly without getting bored. Analyze your past experiences and identify any recurring themes or interests. Engage in self-discovery exercises, such as journaling or taking personality tests, to uncover hidden passions that you may not have consciously acknowledged.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share a step-by-step process for conducting a self-assessment to discover your unique areas of expertise. Guide readers through a thorough self-assessment, starting with brainstorming their skills, knowledge, and experiences. Encourage them to seek feedback from friends, family, or colleagues to gain an outside perspective on their strengths. Assist them in identifying the intersection between their passions and expertise to find their blogging sweet spot.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some effective brainstorming techniques to generate a diverse range of blog post ideas? Introduce popular brainstorming methods, such as the 5 Whys, mind mapping, and the SCAMPER technique. Explain how each method can trigger creative thinking and lead to unique blog topics. Encourage bloggers to use a combination of these techniques for comprehensive idea generation.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the benefits of keeping an idea journal to capture and organize your creative thoughts. Highlight the value of jotting down spontaneous ideas, interesting articles, and inspirational quotes in a dedicated notebook or digital document. Emphasize how this practice can help overcome writer's block and provide a repository of potential blog post ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Provide tips on using mind mapping to visually explore different angles and perspectives for your blog topics. Explain how mind maps can help bloggers visualize relationships between ideas and create a web of interconnected concepts. Guide them on using color-coding and branches to organize ideas effectively.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you leverage keyword research tools to discover popular and trending topics in your niche? Introduce bloggers to keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, or SEMrush. Explain how to identify high-traffic keywords related to their niche and use them as inspiration for blog post ideas that align with their audience's interests.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the importance of conducting audience research to understand your readers' needs and interests. Encourage bloggers to create reader surveys, analyze website analytics, and engage in social media listening to gain insights into their audience's preferences. Suggest using this data to tailor blog content that resonates with their readers.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share a list of blog post types, such as how-to guides, listicles, case studies, and interviews, to inspire idea generation. Detail the characteristics and benefits of each blog post type and how they can cater to different learning styles and reader preferences. Encourage bloggers to experiment with various formats to keep their content engaging.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the role of competitor analysis in identifying content gaps and finding unique angles for your blog posts. Encourage bloggers to study their competitors' content and identify topics that haven't been covered comprehensively. Emphasize the importance of adding a unique perspective or offering additional value to stand out from the competition.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you tap into current events and industry trends to create timely and relevant blog content? Advise bloggers to follow news sources, industry publications, and social media trends to stay updated. Provide guidance on how to tie these trends to their blog niche and share their insights on timely topics.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Provide insights on conducting surveys and polls to directly engage your audience and gather content ideas. Explain how interactive content can strengthen the blogger-reader relationship and foster a sense of community. Encourage bloggers to ask open-ended questions to gain a deeper understanding of their readers' pain points and interests.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some unconventional sources of inspiration, such as books, movies, or art, that can spark new blog post ideas? Encourage bloggers to explore various media forms and draw parallels between their niche and different forms of storytelling. Inspire them to think outside the box and use art, history, or literature as metaphors for their blog topics.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the concept of "content curation" and how you can use it to share valuable resources and insights with your audience. Explain the process of curating relevant and high-quality content from reputable sources and adding your unique commentary. Showcase the benefits of content curation in establishing authority and providing additional value to readers.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share tips on collaborating with other bloggers or industry experts to brainstorm and co-create compelling content. Highlight the advantages of co-authored blog posts, expert roundups, and joint projects. Guide bloggers on how to reach out to potential collaborators and leverage their combined expertise for exceptional content.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you use social media listening and monitoring tools to identify popular topics and discussions? Introduce bloggers to tools like Hootsuite or Mention that allow them to track industry trends, hashtags, and relevant keywords. Show them how this information can inspire blog post ideas that are tailored to current conversations.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the potential benefits of creating evergreen content that remains relevant and valuable over time. Define evergreen content and its lasting appeal to readers. Share examples of evergreen blog posts in different niches and encourage bloggers to create evergreen pillars that will continue to drive traffic and engagement.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Provide a guide on conducting keyword research to find long-tail keywords and niche-specific content ideas. Walk bloggers through the process of using keyword research tools to discover long-tail phrases and low-competition keywords. Explain how these specific keywords can lead to highly targeted and valuable blog post ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are the benefits of conducting audience research to understand your readers' needs and interests? Share the advantages of knowing your audience's pain points, preferences, and aspirations. Encourage bloggers to engage with their readers through comments, social media, and surveys to gather valuable insights for content ideation.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the significance of addressing common pain points and challenges faced by your target audience. Encourage bloggers to empathize with their readers and create content that offers practical solutions and actionable tips. Illustrate how solving real problems can lead to increased engagement and reader loyalty.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share examples of successful blog posts that were based on personal experiences or stories. Explain how personal anecdotes and real-life examples can make blog content more relatable and engaging. Encourage bloggers to draw from their own experiences to add authenticity and human touch to their writing.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you use Google Analytics and other website analytics tools to discover popular and high-performing blog posts? Walk bloggers through the process of analyzing their website traffic, top-performing pages, and most engaging content. Demonstrate how this data can inspire blog post ideas that cater to readers' interests.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Provide insights on using visualization techniques, such as mood boards or image collages, to stimulate idea generation. Explain how creating visual representations of your blog post ideas can spark creativity and make ideation sessions more enjoyable. Encourage bloggers to use images, colors, and textures that reflect the mood and tone of their potential blog posts.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the potential of exploring adjacent niches or related topics to expand your blog's content scope. Encourage bloggers to think laterally and explore topics that complement their niche or share a common audience. Show them how cross-pollinating ideas can lead to fresh and innovative blog post concepts.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you use brainstorming sessions with friends, family, or peers to generate new blog post ideas? Encourage bloggers to involve their support network in idea generation sessions. Explain how diverse perspectives and collective brainstorming can lead to a wide array of creative blog topics.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share tips on creating "themed" content series to explore various aspects of a broader topic. Guide bloggers on breaking down a broad subject into sub-topics that can be covered in a series of blog posts. Emphasize the benefits of keeping readers engaged and coming back for more by building anticipation for the next installment.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are the advantages of collaborating with your audience by inviting guest blog post ideas or submissions? Explain how inviting guest contributions can foster a sense of community and give readers a sense of ownership over the blog's content. Offer practical guidelines for accepting and curating guest submissions.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the potential of exploring emerging technologies or innovations in your industry for blog post ideas. Encourage bloggers to keep an eye on cutting-edge developments and their potential impact on their niche. Inspire them to share insights, predictions, or tutorials related to these advancements.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you use the "skyscraper technique" to create superior and more comprehensive content than your competitors? Walk bloggers through the process of identifying popular and high-performing blog posts in their niche. Encourage them to analyze these posts and create even more detailed and valuable content that surpasses the existing ones.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share examples of successful blog posts that tackled controversial or thought-provoking topics. Emphasize the importance of conducting thorough research, providing evidence-backed arguments, and maintaining a respectful tone when addressing controversial subjects. Encourage bloggers to use such posts as opportunities to engage their audience in meaningful discussions.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the benefits of conducting in-depth research and interviews with industry experts for authoritative content. Share how original research and expert insights can set bloggers apart as credible and reliable sources of information. Offer tips on reaching out to experts for interviews or incorporating their quotes in blog posts.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are the benefits of creating "ultimate guides" or comprehensive resources to position yourself as an authority in your niche? Define what makes an ultimate guide and how it offers substantial value to readers. Encourage bloggers to invest time and effort in creating detailed, comprehensive resources that become go-to references for their target audience.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you use social media groups and online communities to engage in discussions and gather content ideas? Guide bloggers on joining relevant social media groups and forums where their target audience congregates. Encourage active participation and interaction with members to understand their needs and interests better.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share tips on using brainstorming tools and software to organize, prioritize, and develop your blog post ideas. Introduce bloggers to digital tools like Trello, Evernote, or Google Keep that facilitate collaborative brainstorming and content planning. Show them how to create boards, lists, or tags to categorize and manage their ideas effectively.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the benefits of creating content series that span multiple blog posts to provide in-depth coverage of a topic. Highlight how content series can keep readers engaged and coming back for more. Provide examples of successful blog post series and guide bloggers on structuring their series for maximum impact.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some effective ways to use customer testimonials and success stories as inspiration for blog posts? Encourage bloggers to collect and showcase customer testimonials that highlight the benefits of their products, services, or content. Share how these stories can serve as social proof and inspire blog post ideas around solving customer pain points.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Provide insights on using content ideation tools and generators to spark fresh and creative blog post ideas. Introduce bloggers to tools like HubSpot's Blog Ideas Generator or Portent's Content Idea Generator. Advise on using these tools as a starting point for idea generation and tweaking the suggestions to fit their niche.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the impact of conducting keyword clustering to identify related topics for in-depth content exploration. Walk bloggers through the process of grouping keywords with similar themes or intent. Encourage them to create comprehensive blog posts that cover multiple related keywords to boost their search engine rankings.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you conduct keyword trend analysis to identify rising topics and capitalize on emerging trends? Explain how to use tools like Google Trends to spot topics with increasing search interest. Guide bloggers on creating timely and relevant content that aligns with these trending keywords.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share examples of successful blog post ideas that leverage current pop culture references or trending memes. Encourage bloggers to capitalize on viral trends or pop culture moments that align with their niche. Showcase how creative and relevant content can attract attention and virality.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Provide insights on using humor, storytelling, or personal anecdotes to inject personality into your blog posts. Emphasize the power of humanizing your content and connecting with readers on an emotional level. Encourage bloggers to share personal experiences that relate to their blog topics while maintaining authenticity.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are the advantages of collaborating with your audience by inviting guest blog post ideas or submissions? Explain how this approach can foster a sense of community and encourage readers to become active participants in the content creation process. Encourage bloggers to create guest contribution guidelines and recognize and reward contributors.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the potential of exploring emerging technologies or innovations in your industry for blog post ideas. Share how discussing emerging trends can position bloggers as industry thought leaders and attract tech-savvy audiences. Encourage them to share insights, predictions, or tutorials related to these advancements.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you use the "skyscraper technique" to create superior and more comprehensive content than your competitors? Walk bloggers through the process of identifying popular and high-performing blog posts in their niche. Encourage them to analyze these posts and create even more detailed and valuable content that surpasses the existing ones.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share examples of successful blog posts that tackled controversial or thought-provoking topics. Emphasize the importance of conducting thorough research, providing evidence-backed arguments, and maintaining a respectful tone when addressing controversial subjects. Encourage bloggers to use such posts as opportunities to engage their audience in meaningful discussions.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the benefits of conducting in-depth research and interviews with industry experts for authoritative content. Share how original research and expert insights can set bloggers apart as credible and reliable sources of information. Offer tips on reaching out to experts for interviews or incorporating their quotes in blog posts.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are the benefits of creating "ultimate guides" or comprehensive resources to position yourself as an authority in your niche? Define what makes an ultimate guide and how it offers substantial value to readers. Encourage bloggers to invest time and effort in creating detailed, comprehensive resources that become go-to references for their target audience.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming How can you use social media groups and online communities to engage in discussions and gather content ideas? Guide bloggers on joining relevant social media groups and forums where their target audience congregates. Encourage active participation and interaction with members to understand their needs and interests better.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Share tips on using brainstorming tools and software to organize, prioritize, and develop your blog post ideas. Introduce bloggers to digital tools like Trello, Evernote, or Google Keep that facilitate collaborative brainstorming and content planning. Show them how to create boards, lists, or tags to categorize and manage their ideas effectively.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the benefits of creating content series that span multiple blog posts to provide in-depth coverage of a topic. Highlight how content series can keep readers engaged and coming back for more. Provide examples of successful blog post series and guide bloggers on structuring their series for maximum impact.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some effective ways to use customer testimonials and success stories as inspiration for blog posts? Encourage bloggers to collect and showcase customer testimonials that highlight the benefits of their products, services, or content. Share how these stories can serve as social proof and inspire blog post ideas around solving customer pain points.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the process of brainstorming and how it can be applied to generating blog ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe how to identify your passions and interests for blog content.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some techniques for uncovering your areas of expertise and how they can be incorporated into your blog?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the importance of creating content that resonates with your target audience.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some strategies for generating a consistent flow of blog post ideas?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain how to use mind mapping techniques for idea generation and organization.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe the role of research in identifying popular topics and trends in your niche.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some tips for staying inspired and finding new ideas for your blog?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the importance of balancing evergreen content with timely, trend-driven topics.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain how to use social media and online communities to gather ideas for your blog.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some techniques for turning a single idea into multiple blog posts?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe how to use your unique perspective and experiences to create engaging content.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the role of experimentation and innovation in generating fresh blog ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain how to evaluate the potential success of a blog post idea before writing it.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some tips for organizing and prioritizing your blog post ideas?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe how to use content pillars and themes to structure your blog's content.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the benefits of collaborating with other bloggers and content creators for idea generation.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the concept of a content series and how it can help generate new ideas for your blog.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some strategies for repurposing and recycling existing content into new blog posts?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe how to use feedback and reader input to generate new ideas for your blog.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the role of keyword research in generating blog post ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the benefits of conducting regular content audits to identify gaps and opportunities.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe the process of creating a content calendar to plan and organize your blog ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some tips for finding inspiration in your everyday life and experiences?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain how to use popular content formats, such as listicles and how-to guides, to generate new ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the importance of keeping a blog idea journal or digital note-taking system.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe how to use news and current events as inspiration for blog post ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some techniques for overcoming writer's block and sparking creativity?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain how to use industry conferences and events to generate new blog post ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the benefits of incorporating case studies and real-life examples into your blog content.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe how to use online tools and resources, such as Google Trends and BuzzSumo, to identify popular topics.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the importance of regularly updating and expanding upon your existing blog content.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some strategies for creating seasonal and holiday-related blog post ideas?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the role of user-generated content in expanding your blog's topic range.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe how to use analytics data and audience insights to identify high-performing content ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain how to create content that addresses common questions and pain points in your niche.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming What are some tips for incorporating personal stories and anecdotes into your blog content?
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Discuss the benefits of tackling controversial or polarizing topics in your blog posts.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Describe how to use multimedia, such as videos and podcasts, to generate new content ideas.
- Idea Generation and Brainstorming Explain the concept of a content swap and how it can help expand your blog's range of topics.
Skulle du?
Krig! Så onödigt och dumt, några med något mellan benen som vill ha makt, till vad?
måndag 9 september 2024
söndag 8 september 2024
One Book at a time
I have found it a good plan to take up one book at a time. It is a good deal better to study one book at a time than to run through the Bible. If we study one book and get its key, it will, perhaps, open up others. Take up the book of Genesis, and you will find eight beginnings; or, in other words, you pick up the key of several books. The gospel was written that man might believe on Jesus Christ, and every chapter speaks of Him. Now, take the book of Genesis; it says it is […]
lördag 7 september 2024
Igår igen
Igår igen, varmt! men klaga hjälper nog inte! Jag sprang en runda sen, fick Nemo gå hem igen, tror inte det är bra för vovven i värmen, men en liten runda mår vi alla bra av. Det är för varmt för att riktigt långpass dock, men det vänder nog. Att springa är skönt, jag mår bra, igår for jag inte till FC heller, det kan bli väldigt varmt i lokalen, nästan outhärdigt.
fredag 6 september 2024
Fem en fredag: Sömnigt
Jag har inbyggd väcckarklocka, både tillgott och ont, klockan 5.00 varje dag….. Sällan jag använder väckerklocka, ofast då jag skapå tävling, för säkerhets skull, men jag vaken vid min vanliga tid i alla fall. Sällan faktiskt, jag är noga med sömnen ,sen gillar jag att läsa lite ur min bok om jag håler på med för tillfället innan jag slocknar, tillsammas med katter och en hund. Både ock sulle jag tro, som Bipolär är jag ibland väldigt pigg, för pigg för att sedan bli väldigt trött en längre tid. Normalt skulle jag tro, 8-10 timmar, ibland tar jag faktiskt en […]
torsdag 5 september 2024
The Faithful Aged Woman
An old woman who was seventy-five years old had a Sabbath-school two miles away among the mountains. One Sunday there came a terrible storm of rain, and she thought at first she would not go that day, but then she thought, “What if some one should go and not find me there?” Then she put on her waterproof, and took her umbrella and overshoes, and away she went through the storm, two miles away, to the Sabbath-school in the mountains. When she got there she found one solitary young man, and taught him the best she knew how all the […]
Resultat: 5 km 45:47 +28 grader + Rejält näsblod mitt i loppet, fick stanna och få en näsduk och hålla upp huvudet, c: a 5-6 minuter, inte roligt, fullt med näsblod på händerna. Men loppet måste göras!! Tog inte i efter det, lunkade i mål. Fredsloppet är ett distans lopp, 5km, för den goda saken, pengarna går till det härjade folket i Gasa. Två dagar = 2 lopp + värme, men varför klaga?
tisdag 3 september 2024
Ett par...
På äldre dar har utvecklat ett intresse för skor, förf var skor nått man köpte på Kupan i Järpen, sorgligt nedlagt, men många trevliga fika stunder har man myst med där. Numera är jag kräsen när det gäller skor, ska vara sköna att springa i, gå i ,träna i. Då blir det några skor…. sen …
Read more “Ahmet Yılmaz – İnsanlar”
Onsdags Bilden
* Skriv en bloggpost som om det vore du på bilden. En morgon vaknar jag med vingar, kollar i spegeln, jepp! dom är där, kan jag flyga tro? Javist! jag är fri och flyger, tittar ner på dom som måste gå:)
måndag 2 september 2024
En vanlig Måndag
En vanlig Måndag för mig, ska bli en bra dag, först blir det en löpar runda, sen har jag städ i husvagnen och lite tvätt. Ska även se till att ha lite mat till imorgon att göra iordning. Sen blir det vanliga lunket för mig, kolla lite på datorn, tv – haverikommissionen, intresant och jag är inte rädd att flyga….
söndag 1 september 2024
One of the lies that has greatly hindered me in the honest pursuit of revival is that America is so evil, that we can’t ever have revival in...
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Olika profiler Som är viktiga att ha - Svårt att hålla reda på........ Twitter Instagram Pinterest Weheartit.com Youtube Bloglovin´ Faceb...