I Wish I’d Known, What do you know now that you wish you had understood earlier?
Fridge RaidWhen you get munchy, what kind of snack do you enjoy most?
The Office Party, Write a bit of flash fiction. The one-minute timer does not apply.
Giving, What is something you gave away...
lördag 31 augusti 2024
Länk Q6
https://teskedsgumman.se/category/en-fraga-om-dagen/page/169 https://teskedsgumman.se/category/fitness/page/122 https://teskedsgumman.se/...
We live in a world that screams at us to “get connected.” Facebook, Twitter, Thousands of social media sites, iphones, ipads, e this and e t...
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Olika profiler Som är viktiga att ha - Svårt att hålla reda på........ Twitter Instagram Pinterest Weheartit.com Youtube Bloglovin´ Faceb...