lördag 31 augusti 2024

Prompts - Story starters

1. Those who downed the equivalent of half a bottle of wine or two pints of beer a day scored best of all.2. I update this nonsense everyday with links to a wide variety of weird, funny, strange, and just plain entertaining sites that the Internet, so frequently, provides us.3. Who colors on black construction paper more than once every fifteen years out of sheer pity for the fully unused pile of it collecting inches in the back of a closet?4. What I found surprised me, and I felt it was my duty as an American to spread these remarkable […]


Länk Q6

https://teskedsgumman.se/category/en-fraga-om-dagen/page/169 https://teskedsgumman.se/category/fitness/page/122 https://teskedsgumman.se/...