Ibland är man lite slö, men igår fick jag lite i alla fall gjort!
måndag 30 september 2024
Jesus "Wants them All to Come
I heard of a Sunday-school, long ago, concert at which a little child of eight was going to recite. Her mother had taught her, and when the night came the little thing was trembling so she could scarcely speak. She commenced, “Jesus said,” and completely broke down. Again she tried it: “Jesus said suffer,” but she stopped once more. A third attempt was made by her, “Suffer little children–and don’t anybody stop them, for He wants them all to come,” and that is the truth. There is not a child who has a parent in the Tabernacle but He wants, […]
The Fettered Bird Freed
A friend in Ireland once met a little Irish boy who had caught a sparrow. The poor little bird was trembling in his hand, and seemed very anxious to escape. The gentleman begged the boy to let it go, as the bird could not do him any good; but the boy said he would not; …
Read more “Asparagus Soup”
En gravsten berättar
Igår hade jag två timmar til lgodo, innan jag sulle gå till träningen, jag tog en tur bland gravstenarna i Asarums kyrka, stod en stund vid en, vad gjorde denna? för att få en sån stor fin sten? Vad berättar sten? att han var framgångsrik företagare för länge sedan, då en Direktör var vördnad avh …
Read more “Aşık Said – Dünya Boş İmiş (Feryad Edip)”
söndag 29 september 2024
Commercial Traveler
I remember when Talkig to a friend in New York City, at the Hippodrome, a man coming up to me and telling me a story that thrilled my soul. One night, he said he had been gambling; had gambled all the money away he had. When he went home to the hotel that night he …
Read more “Prompts – pieces of fill-in-the-blank inspiration”
One of the lies that has greatly hindered me in the honest pursuit of revival is that America is so evil, that we can’t ever have revival in...
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