lördag 31 augusti 2024


Ja många gånger, när amn var tonåring och inte ville att föräldrarna skulle veta vad man pratade om.


Prompts - Poems starters

1.The Untouchable: Something that will always be out of reach Stolen from: ThinkWritten blog


Prompts - story starters

How do you feel about tattoos or piercings on yourself or on your partner?

How honest have you been answering these questions?

I think sex appeal depends on each person… whatever floats your boat.

I have tattoos and piercings.

I’ve never left.

Once a day would be...

Prompts - Story starters

I realized that it’s not worth saying unless you really mean it or if you feel the other person feels the same way and even so, I hold back.

We were too much alike and it became boring.

He was so shy.

I’m turning more and more into a bitch everyday and I get these mood...

Prompts - Story starters

Please feel free to stay a while and rest with me.

The Egyptians also had religious instructions or specific prayers for almost every day of the year.

Have you ever dressed up as an Angel when going out?

You admit that your Halo may, in fact, have slipped a little?

I saved an...

Prompts - story starters

Eighteen, maybe twenty hours underground!

And they’re wonderful.

I love bats!

Damn funny.

Guano collects fast.

Gamble has unhinged her mind just a tad, I don’t know, but the simple fact is, Miz’ Tate doesn’t have the money for such an excursion and even...


Just live and prosper, jumpy one.

The bands on the bill were Grand Buffet, Deerhoof, and Big In Japan.

Their whole schtick started to rub me the wrong way.

He came home with me last night, and was understandably freaked out – by the new home, the new name, etc.

puts a...


One of the lies that has greatly hindered me in the honest pursuit of revival is that America is so evil, that we can’t ever have revival in...