torsdag 3 oktober 2024

onsdag 2 oktober 2024

Lady Ann Erskine and Rowland Hill

There is a very good story told of Rowland Hill and Lady Ann Erskine. You have seen it, perhaps, in print, but I would like to tell it to you. While he was preaching in a park in London to a large assemblage, she was passing in her carriage. She said to her footman when she saw Rowland Hill in the midst of the people, “Why, who is that man?” That is Rowland Hill, my lady.” She had heard a good deal about the man, and she thought she would like to see him, so she directed her coachman to […]


tisdag 1 oktober 2024


Tar Nrdpolen, för även om jag inte har vinterjackan på, så tror jag nog jag är klok nog att jag tagit mössan och kalingarna och varma skor på mig.)



Ibland känner amn sig naken, fast amn har kläderna på! men man måste gå vidare, trots man känner sig som en naken person på gatan, men ingen tittar på dig.



Dom tittar snett på mig när jag kommer til lskolan med barnen, när det är förädrarmöten, då är jag enda mannen. Men barnen i kvartertet säger jag ör dom bäästa pannkakorna i hela världen, nu blev jag hemma, jag är bara en enkel diverse arbetare. Medans min hustru är en proffessor på ett univerisitet. Så det blev jag blev hemma med barnen, så roligt.


måndag 30 september 2024


Ibland är man lite slö, men igår fick jag lite i alla fall gjort!


Jesus "Wants them All to Come

I heard of a Sunday-school, long ago, concert at which a little child of eight was going to recite. Her mother had taught her, and when the night came the little thing was trembling so she could scarcely speak. She commenced, “Jesus said,” and completely broke down. Again she tried it: “Jesus said suffer,” but she stopped once more. A third attempt was made by her, “Suffer little children–and don’t anybody stop them, for He wants them all to come,” and that is the truth. There is not a child who has a parent in the Tabernacle but He wants, […]



One of the lies that has greatly hindered me in the honest pursuit of revival is that America is so evil, that we can’t ever have revival in...