onsdag 18 september 2024

Slägga + jag

Många saker vill jag göra/ta upp igen, friidrott som jag gjorde när jag var ung. Jag platsar nog inte i någon tävling än……


tisdag 17 september 2024


Att jag kan tränaoch leva livet fullt ut. Man behöver inget mer!


Saved and Saving

One day I saw a steel engraving that I liked very much. I thought it was the finest thing I ever had seen, at the time, and I bought it. It was a picture of a woman coming out of the water, and clinging with both arms to the cross. There she came out of …
Read more “Ata – Ankara Rüzgarı”


måndag 16 september 2024

Governor Pollock and the Condemned Criminal

When I was East a few years ago, Mr. Geo. H. Stewart told me of a scene that occurred in a Pennsylvania prison, when Governor Pollock, a Christian man, was Governor of the State. A man was tried for murder, and the judge had pronounced sentence upon him. His friends had tried every means in their power to procure his pardon. They had sent deputation after deputation to the Governor, but he had told them all that the law must take its course. When they began to give up hope, the Governor went down to the prison and asked the […]



Till Indien, så klart. Jag var där som ung, villtillbaka, åka samma väg, hur det ser det ut idag?


The Missing Stone

I remember hearing of a man’s dream, in which he imagined that when he died he was taken by the angels to a beautiful temple. After admiring it for a time, he discovered that one stone was missing. All finished but just one little stone; that was left out. He said to the angel, “What is this stone left out for?” The angel replied, “That was left out for you, but you wanted to do great things, and so there was no room left for you.” He was startled and awoke, and resolved that he would become a worker for […]


söndag 15 september 2024

Trista Söndag

På mitt bord i köket har jag mjuk kudde för där ligger alltid mina Katter, men ibland är dom ute och jagar rättor? tror jag.



One of the lies that has greatly hindered me in the honest pursuit of revival is that America is so evil, that we can’t ever have revival in...