lördag 31 augusti 2024

Prompts - Writings

1. And while my shits were exceptional, the smell of RB now kinda makes me queasy.2. Oh, yeah, I forgot, there isn’t one, because Georgie was too busy snorting coke.3. And that’s just trouble, because there’s no discussion, there’s just talking-overs and illogical conclusions and emotional blathering.4. I don’t really have anything going on in my life that is worth mentioning, but if I keep acknowledging that, I’ll never write.5. I’d settle for just being a Lady, and then I’ll work on the lunches part.6. That catches up to this week.7. Umm, lots of stuff.8. Deleshia and Satara, you guys […]


Promps - Writings

1. I had a dream the other day where a baby boy was sitting on my shoulders.2. Poor Greek kids love ’em some goat rectum.3. Hell, promise them they’ll all get a sheep if they show up.4. There may have been 20 people up there watching.5. I didn’t know who he was or why he was there but he was happily cooing, gurgling and all that.6. Self Indulgent Photo Rodeo.7. France Loves Tom Waits…8. Krauts, Nude People and the Secret to My Popularity in High School.9. Then when the child started crying I thought maybe the bird was pecking at […]



Vi bor i samma gata i stadenvi bor näraoch samma buss vi tar till jobbet varje dagensOch samma tid låser vi upp dörren Vi bor i samma trappaVi bor i samma hyreshusoch samma lampa vi tänderför trappuppgångsljuset Jag känner ej min granneHan känner inte migAtt tala till varandraInget vi gör mer än HEJ! Vi är som blinda utan ögonVi bor näraVi bor vägg i väggförstenade som döda tingUtan att tala med varandra Vi bor i samma husVI bor på samma gataMed själ utan medkänslaInestängda i en värld av trånsynhetutan att tala med varandraVi är främlingar i livets trista hörn


Norska Intervaller

Norska Intervaller: Effektiv Träningsmetodik för Ökad Kondition och Hälsa En kort beskrivning av artikeln om Norska intervaller: Upptäck fördelarna med Norska intervaller, en effektiv träningsmetodik som kan förbättra kondition, syreupptagning och hälsa. Bakgrundsinformation om Norska intervaller Norska intervaller, en träningsmetodik som har sitt ursprung i högintensiv intervallträning, har fått stor popularitet tack vare dess effektivitet. Denna träningsform har väckt ökat intresse på grund av dess potential att förbättra kondition, syreupptagningsförmåga och generell hälsa på ett effektivt sätt. Studier har visat att Norska intervaller har en mångfald positiva effekter på fysisk prestation och hälsa hos deltagare från olika åldersgrupper och träningsnivåer. […]


Story starters

1. MONDAY, AUGUST, my hometown Another one of those days when I got to sleep in I love it.2. Yeah, sorry I have to be all legal on you here, but unless otherwise indicated, all that you read here is mine, mine, mine.3. Finally got a hold of Michelle on the phone she squealed with excitement at seeing me, and I felt the same way.4. It was Jim henson movie that didn’t become very popular but its a great story, fun and should be a classic.5. With Rob Finch over the next day, we determined it was the Vanderbilt game, […]



-Dr. Helen Roseveare, missionary to Zaire, told the following story. “A mother at our mission station died after giving birth to a premature baby. We tried to improvise an incubator to keep the infant alive, but the only hot water bottle we had was beyond repair. So we asked the children to pray for the baby and for her sister. One of the girls responded, ‘Dear God, please send a hot water bottle today. Tomorrow will be too late because by then the baby will be dead. And dear Lord, send a doll for the sister so she won’t feel […]


Prompts - Writing

Wht makes a day perfect?

Anyway, I still wanted to see all of my friends, so I arranged the lunch date.

Other then that I didn’t really do shit.

I feel like I needed that time to grow a bit.

Left work at 5.

I thought about ideas for my next article in the newspaper for...


One of the lies that has greatly hindered me in the honest pursuit of revival is that America is so evil, that we can’t ever have revival in...