There is a story told of an incident that occurred during the last Indian mutiny. The English were besieged in the city of Lucknow, and were in momentary expectation of perishing at the hands of the fiends that surrounded them. There was a little Scotch lassie in this fort, and, while lying on the ground, …
Read more “Jokes”
tisdag 27 augusti 2024
The Scotch Lassie
Onsdags bilden
I en liten stad bor jag och min Lilla rödabil, vid ett blått hyreshus, jag bor nära havet, havet är min passion, jag kör långa tuer med mig röda lilla bil. Staden är vid havet vid värmen året runt.
måndag 26 augusti 2024
A Day of Decision
I believe there is a day of decision in our lives–a day upon which the crisis of our lives occurs. There is a day when the Son of Man comes and stands at our heart and knocks and knocks for the last time and leaves us forever. I can imagine when Pilate was banished how …
Read more “Irish Blackthorn Recipe”
A Zealous Young Lady
I was very much interested some time ago in a young lady that lived in the city. I don’t know her name, or I have forgotten it. She was about to go to China as the wife of a missionary on his way to some heathen field. She had a large Sabbath-school class in the city and succeeded in getting a blessing upon many of her scholars through her efforts. She was very anxious to get some one who would look after her little flock and take care of them while she was gone. She had a brother who was […]
One of the lies that has greatly hindered me in the honest pursuit of revival is that America is so evil, that we can’t ever have revival in...
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